Acorn RC5

  • Latest news
  • RC5-72 Contest
  • AUG team
  • Mailing list
  • StatsBot
  • Statistics



    AcornRC5 News

    29th September 2005

    The Acorn Users Group team are currently very busy in the new RC5-72 contest, which was started some time after the RC5-64 contest ended.

    29th September 2005

    The StatsBot has been updated again. Daily and weekly stats are compiled from several webpages from





    14th June 1999

    The guys at have finally put the team member statistics online, and I have update my StatsBot. This means that all daily and weekly statistics from tomorrow will include full details on who is in the team. Hopefully this should make the competition a bit more competitive!

    7th April 1999

    Many users were pointing out that these pages did not display correctly on Netscape. This was because Netscape required the </td> and </tr> tags in HTML to be present. Hopefully these pages will work now.

    5th April 1999

    Finally launched the website and released details of the new mailing list arrangements. A message has been posted to the acornrc5 mailing list and to comp.sys.acorn.announce about this.

    4th April 1999

    The code for joining a team has finally been implemented by the guys at so now all the new members can join the team by visiting with your e-mail address as the username and your password as the password.
    Last Update: 29th September 2005