File size : 1.3K
Usage : To protect the system wimp sprites. Full instructions given in
the archive
Special needs : None
 Iconbar popup
Author : Darren Salt
File size : 1.9K
Usage : A small program which allows you to define how long it takes for the iconbar to re-appear (under WindowManager 3.98).
Special needs : WindowManager 3.98
OS4 : Software will only run under WinManager 3.98. OS4 uses 3.99
Sprites for the HP-DJ600
Author : Alisdair
File size : 1.6K
Usage : Copy these to the !Printers directory. They actually look like
the printer they proport to be!
Special needs : None.
Note : This can be run on less than a RPC/A7000. Inside the main directory is a folder called 256colours. Replace the sprites in the main app with those in the 256colour folder.
Author : Ab Steadman
File size : 22.4K
Usage : This version is now fully configurable and contains a
wonderful front end (by Richard Cassidy). The help file has now been made into "Queen's English".
Special notes : None.
OS4 : Dies on entry.
Author : (Amongst others) Robin Watts
File size : 31.4K
Usage : Fixes the bugs in the Acorn CDFS software such as illegal characters in the disc name and Apple forks.
Special needs : None
OS4 : Does not recognise CDFS version
 CDViewer Pheobe
Author : Jeremy Poulter
File size : 83.2K and 2.6K
Usage : Adds functionality to the CDFS front end (i.e. makes it do something!). The Pheobe archive installs the sprites as seen on the new Pheobe
Special needs : None
OS4 : Software dies when the track is advanced (audio)
 Boot Suite
Author : R.R.Chasmer
File size : 273.7K
Usage : This application allows multiple users to log onto one machine. The login name allows different apps to be forbidden or allowed to different users. It is very handy when you have young kids and don't want a large phone bill through them being on the net for hours!
Special needs : None
Author : Richard Atterer
File size : 153.6K
Usage : This software gives you the ability to have massive directories and long filenames. Included in it is a utility for UNIX systems to also read raFS "discs". For those with the new !Boot structure (as provided on the Acorn User 200th edition cover CD), it should be place in the !Boot.Choices.Boot.PreDesk directory. For those not using this !Boot structure, it should be placed in the root (or the filer directed to and run on seeing).
Special needs : None.
atterer@augsburg.baynet.de">Richard Atterer
File size : 54.7K
Usage : Replacement RiscOS icon set
Special needs : None.
Author : Kade Hanson
File size : 24.6K
Usage : WARNING This module replaces part of the OS_ReadSysInfo call allowing reason code 2 to be altered. It was tested on OS3.5 and may not work on anything other than this. Use with extreme care.
Special needs : RiscOS3.5
OS4 : Don't even try it!
Author : Niall Douglas
File size : 108.3K (includes Wimp2Patch 0.23)
Usage : This is a pre-emptive multitasking piece of software. Normally, RiscOS assigns processor time to all applications loaded. However, should the program not need all this time, then the time is not released. Wimp2 will snatch this back (it's checked once every 10us IIRC). With the new boot stucture, place the Wimp2 module in the predesk and the Wimp2Patch in the tasks.
Special needs : None. |